Living with Open Hands 2.0
Preface: Preparation for Going Beyond the Pale
(A Framework for Inquiry and Reflection)
Living with Open Hands 1.0
Living with Open Hands is an outward expression of the inner work of opening the Mind, Heart, and Will. This opening up requires open eyes and open ears that see and hear with the heart . . . a "Seeing" that goes beneath the surface . . . to the heart, the center, the silence.
Living with Open Hands 1.0 was the beginning of 18 years of blogging. I had so many questions and so much dissonance that I had to write in order to better formulate all of my questions. I also found a way or a framework emerging for me to use alongside my religious / spiritual journey to make sure that I was maintaining my humanity along with my spiritual practice. But as I continued, the story began to change significantly. I realized that the more human I became, the less religious I could be in good conscience. And then I found the dissonance getting even greater, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. It wasn't until I let go of all dogma and doctrine that I could sense some resonance and harmony.
Nothing is "fixed" or absolute. There is no certainty. There is no solid ground. Why??? Because everything is changing constantly. This is not what I was taught all my life, for 50 years. I didn't like it. But I finally was able to accept this truth. So 5 years ago, I started to write Living with Open Hands 2.0. I had stopped writing because I was so astounded at what I was discovering. I had to decide whether to be fully human, authentic and honest, or be labeled, categorized, and boxed by some high- minded people stuffed up with dogma. The decision presented itself plainly. I no longer wanted to be a second hand person. So then, I knew I needed to begin to write again, if I were to maintain my own sanity and keep seeking to understand; following the truth wherever it may lead.
This led to this
I Don’t Write because I Understand.
I Write as a Way of Seeking Understanding.
For me, Writing Has Become a Disruptive,
Transformational Process of Inquiry.
― Bertrand Russell, The Art of Philosophizing and other Essays (1942)
"We become especially hostile when trying to defend opinions we know, deep down, are false. Rather than trying on a different pair of goggles, we become mental contortionists, twisting and turning until we find an angle of vision that keeps our current views intact." [Adam Grant]
Living with Open Hands 2.0
Table of Contents
The Dissonance of Structural Incoherence
My Philosophical Evolution
Seeing the World through the Eyes of the Brokenhearted and
Seeing the World through our own Eyes of Brokenheartedness
Part 1: The House Built on Sand Will Not Withstand the Storms of Life
Chapter 1: My Demise
My Foundations Began to Crumble
Disruption of Destructive Strongholds
“The blizzard, the blizzard of the world
Has crossed the threshold
And it's overturned
The order of the soul.”
(Leonard Cohen)
The Macro-Narratives and the Micro-Narratives that Shape Our World
The Fictions that Thought Creates
Downloaded Thinking / Cultural Conditioning
The Virus of the Mind; a mental health pandemic
Labeling, Categorizing, Dehumanizing ,and Eliminating
Chapter 2: My Deconstruction
Breaking It Wide Open -- Seeing the Total Incoherence
Demolition of Underlying Strongholds and Constructs
13 Reasons Why - The Deconstruction of my Deconversion
How Do We Know That We Know What We Know???
Did you know? WE ARE ALL WRONG...
Knowing and Unknowing, Truth and Untruth
Making the Unconscious Conscious
What is This Drive to Convince? … to Be Right???
Grasping, Gripping, Groping, Griping
Mediated versus Unmediated Living
Chapter 3: My Deconversion
The Absolute Necessity of the Demolition of All Human Constructs
Dogma, Creeds, Doctrine, Theologies, Underlying Assumptions
> Doctrinal Dissonance and Biblical Contradictions
based on crumbling foundations
10 Commandments -- the best morality of all time?
Immigration, Homosexuality, and Abortion -- a biblical and historical perspective
> Christians Bearing False Witness Against Christianity
Informed Choice: the missing link
Part 2: The House Built on a Solid Foundation Will Withstand the Storms of Life
Chapter 4: My Reconstruction
Rebuilding a Solid Foundation -- From Incoherence to Wholeness
> Internal Reconstruction (perspective, attitude, values, understanding)
How We Think and See…
with an open mind, open heart, and open will.
Static or Dynamic; Stuck or Unfolding?
> External Reconstruction (words, relationships, community, politics)
How We Act, React, and Interact...
with an open mind, open heart, and open will
Virus of the Mind; a mental health pandemic
Labeling, Categorizing, Dehumanizing ,and Eliminating
Socialism -- Evil and Godless?
Liberal??? What does that even mean???
Progressive & Open versus Regressive & Closed
The Essence of Democracy... The Essence of Reality
Chapter 5: My Worldview -- a new story emerging
How Then Shall I Live?
The Strength of Vulnerability; The Power of Gentleness
The Great Circle of Life and Death