Saturday, December 4, 2021

Incidental Graces

Incidental Graces (2.0)

Oh love the fires the sun

Oh grace that sustains such power

Keep me burning!!!

What is Grace? And what is it not?

“It does not mean that we suddenly believe that God exists, or that Jesus is the Saviour, or that the Bible is the truth. To believe that something is, is almost contrary to the meaning of grace.

"Furthermore, grace does not mean simply that we are making progress in our moral self-control, in our fight against society. Moral progress may be a fruit of grace; but it is not grace itself and it can even prevent us from receiving grace...And certainly (grace) does not long as we think, in our self-complacency, that we have no need of it. Grace strikes us when we are in great pain and suffering, discontentment and restlessness. It strikes us when we walk through the dark valley of an empty and meaningless life. It strikes when we feel our separation is deeper than usual, because we violated another life, with words, with actions. It strikes us when our disgust for our own being, our indifference, our weakness, our hostility, and our lack of direction and composure have become intolerable to us. It strikes when, year after year, the longed for perfection of life does not appear, when the old compulsions reign within us as they have for decades, when despair destroys all joy and courage. Sometimes at that moment a wave of light breaks into our darkness, and it is as though a voice was saying: ‘You are accepted’, accepted by that which is greater than you, and the name of which you do not know. Do not ask for the name now: perhaps you will find it later. Do not try to do anything now: perhaps later you will do much. Do not seek anything; perform anything; do not intend anything. Simply accept that you are accepted! If that happens to us, we experience grace. After such an experience we may not be better than before, and we may not believe more than before, but everything is transformed. In that moment, grace conquers sin, and reconciliation bridges the gulf of estrangement. And nothing is demanded of this experience, no religious or moral or intellectual presuppositions, nothing but acceptance.

“In the light of this grace we perceive the power of grace in our relation to others and to ourselves. We experience the grace of being able to look frankly into the eyes of another, the miraculous grace of reunion with life.


Paul Tillich in “The New Being”

via Rajiv. Thank you my friend.

  • Rajiv:

  • I especially like that he gives it no religious twist nor intellectual analysis.

    Grace is like an accident. You can't seek it, you can't force it, you can't even imagine what it is like to be struck by grace

    With grace it's as if something emerged from nothing, a miracle that, in retrospect seems to assimilate itself into the natural order of things so perfectly as to seem utterly and obviously true and yet a moment ago, it never existed to you or perhaps in the world either. And yet here it is. You see the difference now, there is a shift in consciousness from the inside looking out but it's not a physical change. And more, it is not yours alone but yours as well as the world's at the same time. So there is no possessiveness or pride.

  • Ron Irvine:

  • Life is full of incidental graces, whether we see them coming or not. Their arrival is accidental and yet somehow mysteriously intentional. And they are totally unconditional. I used to think that they are like gifts, manna from the sky, gifts from God to his people each morning. But now I see that those incidental graces broadside any and all people unexpectedly, not because it is deserved or earned by right thinking or right belief. Like the rain, it falls on believers and non-believers, theists and nontheists, the rich and the poor, those that think they deserve it and those that know they don't; something that falls from somewhere greater than us, not just humans but everything, living or not, just because. We are sustained in a world of mystery and absurdity for no more reason than that we are here. Anonymous, accidental, incidental, and unconditional, without demands and without any expectation.
    • Rajiv:

    • wow! Very insightful. As ever!

    • Yes, it has the appearance of being completely arbitrary, as if God was working according to his own plan, tweaking the balance a little here and then a little there. And though we know it happens, it happens in such subtle ways that it goes uncelebrated. Grace is the purest private event bringing a feeling of redemption where even decades of public prayers in a public place of worship could not or, for that matter, even decades of being a total atheist or realist could not

      Honestly, I feel this phenomenon should be studied and understood more. It fascinates me

      Ron Irvine:

      I wonder if this is the power and creative energy that bursts from the emptiness of the "space between" that we now know is vibrant with intelligence and sustenance; the "space between" that is both empty and not empty. Could this be our ground of being?
    • Rajiv:

    • I like that!

  • Ron Irvine

  • And again, Rajiv, synchronous minds from both sides of the earth. Thanks for reposting.

Although world weary . . . the winds of grace intertwine with the resilience of the soul to carry the spent traveler forward without coercion, ever so gently, ever so compassionately, ever so imperceptibly. For me, it is only through silence and listening that this awareness comes to be.

Is this not resilience only, but also synchronicity, sustainability; the creative power of creation and innovation seen among all living creatures and throughout the universe?

Could this power, energy, and sheer intelligence be:

The hunger that drives the predator?
The photosynthesis that triggers a flower to grow?
The attraction of the sperm and egg that causes fertilization?
The forces of the universe that bring all things into alignment, orbits, and organized patterns?

Could incidental graces have as its
Source our ground of being,
Emitting a synchronicity of forces
from that which is greater than all?

Could it be the great beauty that fills all that is,

saturating, pervading, replenishing, 

and exuding from the space between; 

Enveloping and engulfing all that is?

Could this be why we have 

not yet self-destructed???

Could this be our essence, our source; 

neverending, universal, unconditional love?

I’ve been pondering the concept of incidental graces for 15 years. My understanding has deepened and yet become bigger and greater and more pervasive. I often reflect on my own thinking back then compared to now. Here is part of that blog post, from January 31, 2009, that stood out:

When we look at life, what do we see?

When we look at life, do we See???

Life is full of moments of sweetness, coincidental kindnesses, incidental graces. Sometimes it is a comment from a friend or coworker, sometimes it is timely assistance, sometimes it is the sunshine after the rain, a rainbow, the wind in my face, a sideways glance of a child, a smile . . . oh the smile. After going through several years of such darkness of the soul that one wonders if light can even exist there anymore, the kindness of friends and family; unexpected, unpredictable, seemingly random and unrelated . . . leaves me in wonder and tears.

Can we “See” or do we just “see”?

Seeing with the Heart

June 6, 2013

Living life with open hands is an outward expression of the inner work of opening the heart, mind, and will. This opening up requires open eyes and open ears that see and hear with the heart . . . a “Seeing” (and “Hearing”) that goes beneath the surface of actions, reactions, and interactions, habits and […]


October 12, 2011

“As a blind man, I think that I see a lot better than I did when I was sighted because I don’t really think we see with our eyes. I think we live in darkness when we don’t look at what’s real about ourselves, about others, or about life. No operation can do that. When you see what’s real about yourself, you see a lot. And you don’t need eyes for that.” (At First Sight 1999 Val Kilmer)

seeing beauty

December 28, 2008

Grace sees beauty in everything . . . Grace sees goodness in everything . . . What once was hurt What once was friction What left a mark No longer stings Because grace makes beauty Out of ugly things Grace makes beauty out of ugly things. ~ Bono. Embedded in all of creation, interwoven through history, underlying all creative action, anchored in all human expression is beauty.


November 20, 2008

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” (Marcel Proust). “Little round planet In a big universe Sometimes it looks blessed Sometimes it looks cursed Depends on what you look at obviously But even more it depends on the way that you see” (Bruce Cockburn, Child of […]


April 23, 2007

“Awareness of what presents itself to me involves a double movement of attention: silencing the familiar and welcoming the strange. Each time I approach a strange object, person, or event, I have a tendency to let my present needs, past experience, or expectations for the future determine what I will see.”

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Living Without Resistance

 To conform or not to conform

To Ought or to Ought not. 

Maybe THAT is the question

Should’a’, Could’a’, Would’a’. 

Always more, more, more. Never content. 

Will enough ever be enough?

"Ever desireless, one can see the mystery. 

Ever desiring, one can see only the manifestations." 

(Tao Te Ching, Chapter 1)

The mystery refers to the deeper things of life; the Source, the Essence.

The manifestation refers to the outward expression of that Essence.

“The distracted, wandering mind of concepts and ideas is fueled by desire - everything that the mind presents to you in the form of concepts is driven by a craving of some sort - for a particular type of experience, for safety, for identity and celebrity, and so on. This is because our evolutionary history is that we developed this type of reflexive mind as it kept us alive - the desire for food and shelter is a good adaptation, the mind which manifests in ideas to achieve those desires, that's pretty helpful in an evolutionary situation.

“The problem is when our attention and awareness get fixated on these concepts, instead of just being in our beings, resting, peaceful, effortless, flowing. Especially in our modern, technological age, people can spend almost all of their time in the conceptual level, never even noticing what's happening on the phenomenal level of actual sensations, let alone the depths beneath of vibration and empty awareness.” (TetrisMcKenna)

So often we spend our whole lives fixated on the surface level and completely miss that which is the Source of existence or the Essence of Reality.

 “He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.” (Tao Te Ching) 

Karate, Judo, and Aikido are great physical demonstrations of how not to fight against but rather blend with the energy and force of the other. There is nothing more powerful than the force of nature, the natural way. All of life works this way. Resistance produces nothing but weariness. Flowing with life is the natural way. And yet we are taught to resist and fight against the natural way.

Cultural conditioning teaches us that everything and everyone is the enemy and they are all out to get us, even god. 

They are coming to take away your job.

They are coming to take away your religion.

They are even coming to take away Christmas!

They are coming to take away your home.

They are coming to take away your children.

They are coming to take away everything.

Who are they??? And what is everything???

You are the victim of nothing!

Nobody is out to get you. Life is not out to get you. The universe is not out to get you. 

Conditioning is a build-up of external expectations. In order to get back to being, I must let go of and remove everything that is not me. Some conditioning is good and necessary and aligns with who I am. But most conditioning is forcing us to conform and to be what we are not. Conditioning forces us to be what others and society tell us to be.

For example, there is the metaphor of a sculpture. Removing what is not essential and necessary. Leaving what is. There is a figure that has been there all along within that log or rock. But it cannot be seen until we remove everything that is not the sculpture that is waiting to be revealed.

Becoming who we are. Unbecoming what we think we should be. What we are told. Just be. Removing everything that is not me. Living what is by accepting what is.

Weary of the fight? The fight ends when we stop fighting. We are the source of our own fight.

Quicksand metaphor. When we resist, the faster we sink. The more we allow ourselves to settle and relax into it and it allows us to begin to float, or at least stop sinking.

Wu Wei of Taoism. The Way never acts and yet nothing is left undone. This is the paradox of wu wei. Flow. Being in the zone. Effortless action. Unity between the self and its environment. Natural processes. 

Natural examples: Hardwood versus softwood. Something that is hard tends to break or snap under pressure but that which has some flex in it can withstand winds and storms. Bamboo is lighter than wood but many times stronger. Bamboo is even stronger than steel.

Living without desire, without resistance. Simplicity. No craving for more, more, more. Contentment. Nothing more than what is needed.

Endless craving and consumption of limited resources on this planet = cancer. Cancer cells take over and destroy everything that is healthy. It is just as destructive as endless consumption.

The more we want the more we are unable to be happy. 

Longing, desire, and wanting consume peace and contentment.

I used to remind my young child whenever we’d go into a store and he would go into his begging phase. I would say back to him, “I want. I want. I want.” It is like the seagulls in the movie, Finding Dory. Mine! Mine! Mine! 

Life is enough. It contains everything we need to sustain us.

Everything we could ever need is right here and right now.

As humans, we do not need to wait until we learn to be more evolved, more intelligent, more mature, more advanced in order to become the people we were meant to be. When we stand among native americans that are truly at home in their own skin or learn about aboriginals and other First Nation peoples from continents around the world that are the wise men, the shamans, the respected spiritual leaders within each small village, we find that being fully human is not a future advanced state, it is already here within us and has been for thousands of years.  

In many of these communities, the definition of insanity is to accumulate more than one needs.

We need nothing more than what we already have,

just like all things in this universe, the sun and stars and flowers. 

We are exactly where we are meant to be.

The answers are not out there somewhere or in the future somewhere. 

The people we need to be are nowhere in space or time 

except for right here and right now within us. 

But we have forgotten who we are. 

We have become polluted by civilization. 

We have become addicts through desire and wanting. 

We have become perverted human beings 

by the conditioning that we have automatically downloaded, 

by the things we are told to think and believe. 

We have become ignorant through the lack of discernment 

necessary to sort out the powerful influences 

of culture and power and external authority.

We must break our addiction to the hidden agendas and 

covert influences that seek nothing but our conformity.

We must remember what we already know. 

We must radically return to our roots, 

just as the root of the word radical suggests.

We must become original human beings, 

remembering and being who we are.

I realized that I no longer wanted to be a second hand person. I wanted to be my own person, an original person, a radical person rather than a cut-out or knock-off, a generic or conformed person.

"I have created mirrors in which I consider all the wonders of my originality which will never cease." 

(Hildegard of Bingen 1098-1179)

Original comes from the root word meaning origin or source.

Original: directly from Latin originalis, from originem (nominative origo) "beginning, source, birth," from oriri "to rise" 

Radical: The Latin word radix means "root." This meaning was kept when the word radicalis came into English as radical. I.E. Returning to its Roots.

“Unfinished Poem:
I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.”

― John O'Donohue

Tao Te Ching (Chapter 37)

The Tao never does anything,

yet through it all things are done.

If powerful men and women

could center themselves in it,

the whole world would be transformed

by itself, in its natural rhythms.

People would be content

with their simple, everyday lives,

in harmony, and free of desire.

When there is no desire,

all things are at peace.

“Taoism compares life with a river. The river already has a course or several courses, and once we find ourselves in that river, we can swim against the current, we can hold on to a branch or we can let go and go along with the stream. Most of our lives we swim against the current and we don’t even realize it. Our mind believes that it can and should control the environment, in order to survive, which is kind of egocentric because the vast majority of processes within as well as outside ourselves are not in our control. Taoist way is rather navigating through the river instead of trying to control it. Another aspect of the river that characterizes Taoism is the water itself. The characterizations of water are softness and humility that basically symbolize Taoist virtue.”

The supreme good is like water, 

which benefits all of creation 

without trying to compete with it.

It gathers in unpopular places.

Thus, it is like Tao.

(Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 8)

Water may be soft, but it overcomes hardness which we can see in the erosion of rock. And water not only seeks the lower places, it has no purpose, no goal, no specific desire. Yet it nourishes everything thing possible.

Water is the softest and most yielding substance. Yet nothing is better than water, for overcoming the hard and rigid, because nothing can compete with it.

(Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 78)

“That which offers no resistance overcomes the hardest substances.

That which offers no resistance can enter where there is no space.

Few in the world can comprehend the teachings without words,

or understand the value of non-action”

Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 43.

Mindlessness and Mindfulness. 

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Structural Incoherence

 The Dissonance of Structural Incoherence

Things that were Too Obvious to Consider Kept Ringing in my Head, year after year

These questions have been dangling in my face, ringing in my ears; voices in my head all my life, usually just below my own consciousness; patiently waiting for the noise to subside, the murkiness to settle, both internally and externally. 

Far too often we lie to ourselves because this faith of our fathers is “Too Big To Fail.” We need it to be true! So we lie and don’t even know it.

I  knew I needed a creative outlet and a way to work through the growing dissonance in my head and heart that is like the tinnitus that I now experience in my ears 24/7. The sound of 10,000 cicadas in my head.

Thus began my journey of structural and foundational coherence and integration to resolve the constant dissonance I've felt for many years.

Dissonance: "a tension or clash resulting from the combination of two disharmonious or unsuitable elements." The constant ringing of the dissonance, between reality and all things I’ve been told to believe, was both a distant siren (an alarm) and a siren song (an irresistible magnet) that I heeded by writing. 
Incoherence: When the basic tenets of faith and religion do not align with my lived experience and universal laws of nature and of reality. AND when our ways of thinking do not produce the results that we are looking for, then our thinking is incoherent.
Structural: When lack of coherence is deeply woven into the very fabric of a society both individually and collectively, both in our cultural systems and our individual thinking processes.
Structural Incoherence then refers to a lack of coherence subconsciously interwoven throughout our lives to the extent that we aren't even aware that it is driving us and causing the havoc and chaos of constant dissonance.
Coherence: When our thinking and our actions produce the results that we want. Rather than insanity which is doing the same things over and over expecting a different result, we must stop and discern what is wrong. What is the incoherence that prevails.
Integrity: Similarly, integrity means that our soul and our role are one, our beliefs and our values are seen in our words and our actions. Integration is necessary so that dis-integration does not cause us to disintegrate into incoherence.

Following is a list of points of structural incoherence: contradictions that I have not been able to resolve.

> How can we be created in the “image of god” and yet become the most disgusting creatures on earth in the eyes of the creator, even after being proclaimed good, along with all of creation? So disgusting and worthless that the ultimate destination for a vast number of people is eternal torture... for such a worm as I.

> Why is almost all of creation going to hell because of the design and decisions of a hidden god/creator that has two main attributes: invisibility and silence; refusing to be revealed as is necessary in every and all relationships?

> How can this god say that love is priority and yet not be willing to demonstrate the most important thing; show up and express oneself. How would that work in a human relationship?

> How can we think we know the only answers that are true to all of life better than all other people on earth if we are so disgusting, imperfect, fallen, and broken, needing to be spoon-fed the truth as secondhand human beings?

> The problem with any holy book proclaiming to be the word of god - infallible, inspired and inerrant - is that it contradicts the nature of language and words since a word is a mental concept and construct that can never be the reality itself but only a sign and symbol pointing toward reality. Words can never be reality nor absolute truth. Human language and words are not designed that way. Words are concepts or stories that are created by thought; little stories in our heads. 

> Thought and the human mind cannot ascertain the eternal. Thought is limited by its own concepts and conceptions, images and ideas. The human mind’s limited function is to conceptualize god or create an image of god in our head. The problem is that worshiping any graven image, whether mental or physical, violates the second commandment of that very god. Exodus 20:3: "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth."

> Romans 1:20 “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” I used to believe this by lying to myself and giving myself no excuse. And such guilt it produced. It is different when my first impulse is no longer to lie to myself but rather to ask honest questions and to tell the truth and follow the truth wherever it may lead. So far, the only attributes that god has revealed is invisibility and silence. If “god so loves the world” and the greatest of all commandments is love to god and neighbor, then how can this hidden god demand a relationship of love without direct revelation? And how can this god hold in judgement humans that will not believe invisibility or silence, i.e. “nothing?” This god won't bother to uphold the other part of the relationship, as required in any and all relationships? Invisibility and silence is a violation of the most basic foundation of all relationships. In other words, relationship is not possible except in our imagination.

> If god is not able to provide direct revelation required for direct relationship, then that god

cannot be omnipotent.

If that god is not willing and refuses to provide direct revelation required for direct relationship, then that god cannot be omnibenevolent.

If that god doesn’t realize the priority and importance of direct revelation required for direct relationship, then that god cannot be omniscient.

If such a god does not know his own creatures’ needs enough to realize the dire necessity of visual and auditory revelation required for relationship, then that god cannot be omnipresent.

I must then conclude that this god cannot be god and that this god is nothing but a human construct, a religious concept, and a mental graven image that exists only as a story in the collective mind of humanity and the culture they create.

And yet my mind is wide open to a solution on how this whole religion thing might really work without totally violating the laws of heaven and earth: i.e. laws of logic, relationships, language, creation, nature, universe, and reality. As we all know, there are a thousand reasons for religion throughout the world.

> Since irritation, annoyance, insults, and offenses are points of weakness and vulnerability for humans, why does it seem that the god of the universe is so often annoyed by those that he created in his image? (self-described in his own holy book) (See Behold Thy God)

> Since being angry and jealous are negative character traits of weakness, why does god so often describe himself as angry and jealous and even boast about it? (self-described in his own holy book) (See Behold Thy God)

> And by the way, why was god so angry all the time? God is the one that created us? Was creation a failure? Why didn’t god start over if it was that bad? Wouldn't that have better than God's torture chamber he supposedly uses now. (See Behold Thy God)

> We all know that a bully is a weak-minded, insecure being that uses violence to intimidate, dominate, and control others. So why does the attributes and self descriptions of god in his word use these interactions with man to control, destroy, or force submission when man is created as a thinking being with free will that can choose to love and do the right thing? After all, the key to all relationships is love that is unselfish and willing. And the key to all of life is love. (See Behold Thy God)

> It is interesting that the true believers use guilt and coercion rather than love. Is this because of bad role modeling from above?

> Why do I feel like I am instructing god here about doing the right thing and loving unconditionally? This puts humans in a very awkward position as teachers of the gods.

> When I study the bible, I see at least 4 different gods described, or self described since the bible is god's word:

1. the god of creation that seems excited to be revealed to mankind and who proclaimed to all of creation, "It is good!" Jesus replied, “I tell you, . . . if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out” (Luke 19:40). in Psalm 114:6, the mountains leap. Isaiah 55:12 says, “You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” 

2. the god of the 10 commandments that was full of thunder and lightning, overcome with all consuming anger; killing those who looked at this fury and murdering those who worshipped graven images while waiting for Moses; then later causing genocide with a flood. This god then reemerged for the book of Revelation and the grand finale.

3. the god of the minor prophets at the end of the old testament that seemed to be settling down, gaining control of his anger, and beginning to treat humans decently. It is almost like he had a plan.

4. the god of jesus who had a plan to finally fix the mess that this world was in. The twist is that instead of blaming the creator, blame was placed on all humans for their disgusting sinfulness that god could not even look upon. The plan was that god was no longer one god as has been proclaimed throughout history but was now three so that god #1 could send god #2, his son to die to cover up the mess that was made and blame it on humans. Oh yeah. This of course came out of the well established idea of killing living sacrifices, both animal and human that was so prevalent in the Jewish religion and in all of the other religions with their many gods throughout that time in history.

> This evolution of god is very interesting. Either there are 4 gods with each one taking over from the previous god or there was a god that grew and changed and matured. The thing is this. If a thing or being is perfect, then it cannot change or improve. It cannot first be perfect and then be not perfect requiring it to change. Either it is perfect and never changes. Or it is not perfect. OR it is a series of better gods taking over for each other as each fails creation.

> Why is it that when we see humans as fallen, broken sinners, then they act like it? Case in point, observe Christianity over the past 5 years in America as it followed its bully president into darkness and destruction. Why is it that when we see and treat people as good, then they act good as if they were created in a divine image as part of a creation where the creator proclaimed, “it is good!”? A self fulfilling prophecy is what it is called. Adults that learn and that are worthy human beings are taught and trained to treat others as they want to be treated. They make better parents, teachers, civil servants, grandparents, leaders, and on and on.

> Since you ask so much of us, why can’t we sit down and have a one to one conversation with you like we would with our friends? Is there something you are afraid of?

> Is it vain and self-indulgent to insist that we praise and heap worship on you and is it a need that an omnipotent god would have? Why?

> Why do you refuse to sit down and answer our questions that are so critical to reality, truth, meaning, purpose, and understanding?

> Would it be so hard to indulge us with a monthly or yearly fireside chat???

> It is one thing to say to someone thousands of years ago that you care and have them write it in a script of which we have no original, only copies; making it hearsay. It is another thing to tangibly SHOW that you care like in any relationship. Invisibility and silence is no longer acceptable. 

> Gendered god??? One of the first incoherences that I realized when I was younger is that if there is a god, then that god cannot be male or female for many reasons. One reason is that god is not human and there was no male or female prior to humanity. The primary reason though for me is that supposedly god created both male and female in god’s image. Therefore, if humans came from god, then both males and females are images of a god that is neither male nor female. I think calling god he/him/his is a patriarchal blindspot deeply embedded in our own language, speaking and reminding us of the dominance of males without saying a word. In other words, our default concept of god is inherently sexist implying a foundational relationship of the oppressor and the oppressed; i.e. structural inequality. So in order for me to avoid carrying on this deeply insulting insinuation of both god and those created in god’s image, I need to begin to watch the pronouns that I use so that I do not carry on such domination, which is simply a subtle form of violence.

See "What are God's pronouns? How the church today is (or isn't) gendering God."

> "The almighty’s genderless. The Lakota refer to our Creator as Wakan Tanka — “the Great Mystery.” Because only a misogynistic, male centric religion assigns a gender to their “god.” @lakotaman1 

Plus 10,000 other things… still coming